Why is courier tracking important?

What is courier tracking?
Courier tracking is where the customer receives communication of their order status during every step of the shipping process. The type of tracking differs from company to company but generally, it lets the customer know the exact location of their consignment, when it will arrive and if there will be any delays. We offer a tracked courier service in Milton Keynes

What are the benefits of using a courier that has tracking facilities?

 • Peace of mind - You the customer will know exactly where your order is throughout the whole of the delivery process. This is particularly important for high value or time-sensitive items. Running a business can be stressful; courier tracking gives you one less thing to worry about.

Provides a professional service - By being able to track the full path of your order, you can feel confident you’re receiving a high-quality service.

Less likely for your parcel to be lost or misplaced - Your order is going to be tracked through the whole journey so you avoid the risk of items going missing. You will know where your consignment is at all times. Lost deliveries cost companies a lot of money and stress.

Provides accurate ETA - ETA updates are precise because they are based on real-time data. As a courier in Milton Keynes, we understand that our customers are busy and don’t have the time to chase up all their parcels. You’ll know exactly where they are and not have to guess on delivery time. Live updates will let you know exactly when your orders will arrive at their destination.

Transparency - Tracking provides transparency. Customers feel engaged and comfortable with the process and know exactly what to expect from their courier. This in turn builds trust between courier and customer.

Improved customer service - If you’re using a courier to send parcels to your own customers, using courier tracking improves communication. Your parcel doesn’t go into a void. You know exactly where it is at all times and can let your customer know this. This will take the pressure off your customer service team as they will be spending less time chasing up orders. In fact, courier tracking saves all party’s time.

Customer satisfaction - We find that by having a tracking system, our customers are more satisfied and this improved customer experience means they will use us again.

It benefits everyone - Courier tracking doesn’t just offer advantages to you the customer but also to the courier itself. The courier can track their internal processes and gain a great deal of analytical insight. This means the courier becomes more efficient and this efficiency can then be passed onto you the customer. A greater parcel delivery success rate is what everyone wants. As a courier service in Milton Keynes, we offer this high level of tracking service that keeps us engaged with you through the whole journey of your consignment. You’ll receive automated notifications, real-time ETAs and live tracking.

• Saves you time - You won't be wasting time ringing up your courier trying to find out where your parcels are. you'll be able to see live updates for yourself. You can see where things went wrong and hopefully recover the item - avoid risk of items going missing. -lost things - you can see where things went wrong and hopefully recover the item - Recover a lost parcel - with tracking you can find where it is.

• Communication is key - If it ends on a bad note, your customer may go elsewhere.

• Sets customer’s expectations - It involves communicating the order status of every step in the shipping process. Order tracking differs from retailer to retailer. It can entail real-time tracking, estimated delivery dates, and updates on the order status.

Shipment tracking gives peace of mind to customers as they receive information on the where abouts of their orders throughout the shipping and delivery process. It helps customers learn where exactly their order is, when they should expect it to arrive, and whether there has been a delay. This helps alert your customers as to when they should expect their package and keep you updated on any hold ups or delays. If your delivery is urgent, valuable or time specific, you will want to know its location at all times. Parcels can be misplaced, damaged and lost - to avoid this...so we know how important it is for you to know exactly where your parcel is at all times

• Customer communication is key - Displaying your shipping and delivery policies and providing tracking information, prospective buyers will feel more comfortable and associate your company with professionalism and authenticity. Ensure that ETA updates are accurate because they are based on real-time data from the field. Keep customers informed every step of the way  - people are busy - they want to know where their goods are everyone benefits from tracking - the operator and the customer minimise customer frustration. Well-formed offers a professional service time is of the essentence with business - it may be worth using a same-day coyrirer if you need something delivered quickly

• Peace of mind for customer, and for operator - Knowing where everything is as it moves through the network. Improves customer loyalty and satisfaction. Gives customer peace of mind with real time update for customers - estimate arrtival time. Improved communication with the customer, especially important if its high cost item

• Lower your customer's anxiety - you can let them know when and where their order is.

• Takes the pressure off your customer service team - instead of dealing with queries on orders they can deal with other things and the customer can track these details themselves - less time spent resolving customer queries about where their parcel is.

• Recover a lost parcel - with tracking you can find where it is you're more transparent to your customers which helps to build trust.. Businesses can do performance tracking of their drivers movement history. Parcels going astray will cost you money if you have to reorder it .

• Automated notifications - so cost the business less money getting people to update these manually 

customer service - if the business is sending stuff to their customer know right away when the product has been delivered

Setting expectations With the option for a same-day courier, overnight courier and even scheduled courier, the consignment will arrive when you need it most with tracking to show when you should expect it on the dot, 

LIVE tracking
Well, live tracking is essentially a more in depth version of what’s already available. Some companies make it possible to track your courier down to which street they are currently in using GPS. It can even tell you more or less exactly how long it will be until a courier is at your door.

Track Us
Enjoy peace of mind with dedicated delivery, real time ETA's, live tracking and automated notifications. Trace the full path of your order.


Tips to ensure your parcel is delivered safely